I was hoping for one of the rare time in occult show history that god would actually show up .. I was hoping he would reveal himself in that little girl and recount how he beat the devil once and always will but in a kinda arrogant powerful not so good not so bad kinda way
I always had the feeling they were going to make Dorcas into a good angel or something. Too bad we're not getting more seasons to find out.
For me, I felt the ep where the witches sacrificed themselves and Mary tore the boy apart would have worked fine as the finale. These last few eps felt tacked on. I'm glad we got to see some conclusion, but I didn't feel it was needed.
I have to agree with you. It felt peicemeal, choppy. Our hero gets the girl and they are able to leave Salem to live out their lives happily. But the rest of it left a bad taste in my mouth. After Anne accuses Cotton of being a hypocrite, then then becomes the people's hypocrite. Waling against witches when clearly she is a witch. But I guess what is left of Salem is the deviants, except for Dorcus, people that went on a rampage destroying the town.
I don't know. This ending wasn't satisfying to me.
Of course we knew Mary and John would get their happy ending, but what of the townsfolk who are now left at the mercy of a bad witch. I don't even see Anne becoming a good person in the future so they're pretty much screwed on that front. Dorcas is a child left on her own since Anne killed her protector, Isaac. That's what I kept thinking about the finale: that it was choppy and pieced together, especially the ending. If I'm remembering correctly, when Anne discovered she was a witch didn't she say she would help people? I could be wrong on that so please correct me but, for some reason, I'm remembering her saying something to that effect to maybe Mary (?). I felt it was also particularly cruel to seal Tituba's mouth shut and send her away on a slave ship with "people like her"? Given, Tituba had a big part in keeping with Satan's rising and Salem's demise. It made me think wtf did they do to Anne and they just destroyed her character completely.
I'm wondering if they either had a feeling they were getting cancelled while filming in actually thinking out the ending, which I doubt because it was messy and rushed, or did they find out after filming and decided to quickly throw together an ending for the series instead of what felt like a cliffhanger. Either way, it wasn't satisfying.
I kind of wanted Anne to be the one witch that stops the "dark lord" from rising but I personally found the way the writers twisted it and made her completely evil at the end was entertaining and daring. I loved the way John and Mary got a happy ending. And the return of Countess Marburg in Mary's body was so good! It was cool and intense at the end when Anne was able to be in all of the different locations at once, talking to Tituba, Mercy & Hawthorne, Cotton etc.. all at once. And the way she condemned all the people around her was harrowing and haunting.
I wish Salem was going for at least 2 more seasons but I felt closure to the characters, Seasons 1,2 & 3 work very well together and Season 3 ends on a high note so the entire series is now definitely worth buying in my eyes.
Making Anne evil and the sole survivor was a nice twist that I did not see coming. I had expected that she would be tempted to the dark side but in the end, she prevails.
Not that I am complaining, it was a nice ending. I was happy that Mary and John got a happy ending.
I didn't have a particular wish for an ending but I really don't have a problem with how it ended. I gotta say; Anne wrapped that sh&t up pretty tight. I love all of this idiot babble about this or that not being "fair." Fair is a place where pigs are judged. There were no heroes in this show, no good guys (maybe Issac...maybe). There were villains, sympathetic villains, somewhat villains, and victims. The show kinda ended where it began with Anne seemingly playing the role Mary started with.
Yeah but they follow the creed of the new testament (well the puritans don't) Remember the new testament states itself to be the new convenant wiping away the old. According to Christianity once the new testament is made the old testament no longer mattered.
And that to me woulda been so exciting. Like the quote "god isn't right because he's right, he's right because he's god" so having a fiercer than everyone and borderline sadistic entity stronger and creator of the devil woulda been entertaining
I love Anne but I was shocked that this whole thing became "The Anne Hale Show". Seems like forever ago that Janet Montgomery was supposed to be the star of this show. Mary and John went to the back burner this season and it was all Cotton and Anne.
I want more seasons, but we live in different TV times. If this was in syndication in the 1990s, it would have probably had as many seasons as Xena and Hercules.
There was really no big ending. Ann gives a phony speech and we saw Cotton getting hit in the face with hell fire. I expected more after the break and said, "wow that's it?"
This was the best editing the showrunners could do with the knowledge there would be no season 4. Clearly it was supposed to be more of a cliffhanger. I would of liked to see another season. But this was the best they could do.
I saw the show ending with a shot of modern day Salem, and revealing that somehow the characters had survived these many centuries and were still living amongst us, still battling one another for dominion over what they perceived as their birthright, to rule the land. After all, these were witches and could possibly have found a way, like Countess Marburg, to live on.
Salem didn't end like I expected it to, but I wasn't totally disappointed in how it did. There seemed to be a few cliffhangers, in case somehow the show were to be picked up again by WGN, or some other broadcasting service like Netflix. I wouldn't be unhappy if we could see a few more seasons.
Im not actually sure how I would have wanted it to end but I can say didnt expect it to end like this. I also cant say I was disappointed. But sad to see this serie gone I really liked it and could have easily gone 2 more seasons.
A few mentioned it and I agree that they probably planned for dorcas to be some kind of angel or being of god but they didnt have time to do so.