Half as Good...Detox

If the film is half as good as Grave Excounters, it'll be a hit. The Vicious Brothers are the next best directors for the horror genre. Just as Rob Zombie and James Wan...they know how to make the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up at attention. Hopefully, I'll have to plan out a detox, (ESPN Sportscenter, Seinfeld or my personal favorite The Andy Griffith Show) after the movie.

"Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana"


This movie wasn't even a tenth as good as Grave Encounters. And I wasn't even a fan of GE.. So yeah...


Rob Zombie...?
Oh and this film is awful.


you must be Troll Extraordinaire...get lost


So anyone that expresses a different opinion to you is a troll?
You're as bright as a button aren't you. And such good taste...
Oh, and Rob Zombie is a hack and this film is utter crap. But if you disagree, enjoy!


lmao...enough said


Tell you what, try actually watching the film before casting judgement or mocking my opinion. The film is crap. But how can you decide I'm wrong if you haven't even seen it?
And 'lmao'? Are you 14?
