WHY the low rating?

I use to hate low-rating movies, but this is awesome. I love sci-fi horror and the vicious brother made that awesome grave digger movie, which was horrifyingly awesome. And this hits the same mark. What's wrong with people? Is it low because it's made in 2014 and not 10-20 years ago? ike that expendebles movies. If those were made in my teens in the 90's/beginning of 2000's the kids would have loved them, but action is a only pop when there's superheroes and a lot of cgi involved. That was a digression, but why the low rating? This was awesome. And it's not stupid teens playing, it's people in the end 20's (my age). Ok they're a bit stupid, but not any more stupid than people I know. Ok, this is turning into a rant. so I better quit it. But this is cool. Like. My opinion. This deserves better. It hit something I was longing for. It's well made, scary and not cheap scary, and has decent acting. This deserves more than 5 stars..


Can it be another cheap "Cabin" flick people are getting tired of?


movie was pretty good, I also enjoyed it, but dont go hard on yourself wondering about the rating... instead you should check out Honeymoon 2014 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3177316/?ref_=rvi_tt. It is similar and also good, although not as much "actiony" as Extraterrestrial.


Because it sucks and is predictable?

Why can't you be a non-conformist like everyone else?
