MovieChat Forums > Zootopia (2016) Discussion > Was this supposed to be funny?

Was this supposed to be funny?

I generally enjoy Disney movies but this barely made me laugh at ALL. And I am a sucker for kids stuff, I even generally laugh at stuff most adults would probably find tame. Everything in this movie seemed lame. It didn't know what direction it wanted to go. Felt like more a political, economical statement than a kids movie about fun and jokes and good times. I'm glad I watched on Netflix for free and didn't pay for this as I was actually disappointed I missed it in theatres when it was out.


LOL This never fails! Every single year a film is loved by critics and audiences alike there's always ONE person who just can't help but wallow in jealousy and tell others that their opinions are all wrong. But hey what ever helps you sleep at night!


Or they just didn't like it? I mean, if the OP had called out other people for liking it I'd get your point but they didn't so I see nothing wrong with this message!


I can relate to the need to express surprise/disbelief over people liking a frankly terrible film.

Though I would encourage the OP to think up ways or articulating how Zootopia was a disappointment, and maybe even suggesting improvements, as simply saying "not funny" isn't all that compelling TBH.

Take them to the security kitchen!


A "frankly terrible film" doesn't win awards such as multiple critics organizations, the Critics Choice Award, being on AFI top ten movies of the year (the only animated film) or being the number one film of the year on Rotten Tomatoes, a site that practically everyone follows! Your argument is as childish as they come! If you don't like a film good for you! But saying a film that MANY including scholars at AFI and many respected critics enjoyed is "terrible" is completely asinine!

It's one thing to not like a film, it's another to bash it repeatedly!


I'm going out on a limb here and and guessing that you didn't read anything beyond the first sentence of my post.

Well done. You are a moron but alas you will never know because I'm already on sentence three here, far beyond the scope of your subatomic attention span.

Take them to the security kitchen!


LOL Do you honestly think I'm going to be insulted by you? I actually seen that 2001 In your name and pretty much guessed that relates to your age, laughed, and typed.


Do you honestly think I'm going to be insulted by you?
Well here you are denying it, so I'm going with "yes"

Take them to the security kitchen!


So I ended up on the Zootopia board and I am seeing some comment vollies.
You are not that skilled at the fine art of Internet-arguing.

"I can relate to the need to express surprise/disbelief over people liking a frankly terrible film."
MrMoo2001 wasn't referring to Zootopia necessarily.

also, a quick look at his profile indicates that he has been on IMDb since 2006. He didn't start at the age of five-or-six years old.

All y'all need to get off this cesspool that is IMDb and stop watching the Golden Globes and all these award shows that are gold-covered filth. Not even if the Academy Awards/Oscars nominate Zootopia for Best Picture this year...
(I think it deserves more than just Animated Feature based on my limited viewing of 21-ish
qualifying films so far of 2016) and animated films still do qualify for the Best Picture award.


Don't care. Really I don't! :D Only reason I'm talking the time for this reply to tell you you're attempt at trolling me isn't going to work!


Exactly, that's all the IMDB message boards are about now. The odd ones out whining.


I'm definitely not whining.

I liked the visual effects and the animations.
I liked the music.
I thought the voice actors did an excellent job.

The movie just wasn't funny. I didnt crush it, just gave my opinion. It was extremely hyped to be a funny based off the trailers. When everyone is saying the highlight is the sloth scene(which actually was funny as hell) but everyone is agreeing that ONE scene is the only one that sticks out that should tell you something.


Maybe it was meant to be more of a serious film than a funny one.


There's nothing wrong if you don't think it's funny. I've seen many movies where people say it's hilarious, but I thought the jokes were terrible and unfunny. Everyone has different ideas on what makes them laugh.

Don't worry about it. I have weird taste in humour apparently.


I think the movie was a bit too educational and didn't have enough time to be funny... it spent too much time to spread its message, I think.

That sloth scene was the highlight for me!


"...than a kids movie about fun and jokes and good times."

Please don't comment on movies ever again. "Fun and jokes and good times?" That's not what movies are about, that's what sometimes happens to result from an actual plot. You're much too ignorant to be taken seriously, sorry. Yes, this movie had a plot. No, it wasn't trying to be primarily a comedy. Question answered.


You mad? mad.


Yeah... you're 12. Stop pretending you're an adult.


I certainly hope it was meant to be funny. I'd feel pretty bummed-out to discover I was laughing for all the wrong reasons. I mean, if I found out that all those little jokes made at the expense of 'Frozen' were meant to be taken seriously it might be enough to put me in therapy for the next decade.

"Last question: What is the difference between a duck?" - Postal (2007)


If the sloth at DMV didnt make you laugh then you have no soul... Unless you never been to a DMV.


I said that scene was funny and the best my other comment.
