So who did it?

During the film I kept expecting since reveal that sometime was after putting Morales out of business. It can't just have been free lancing robbers. Because why would they knock out his sales person?
I guess that could have been the tennis guy who was behind it. But in that case it should have been made clearer. As it was know it have the impression that there was some plotting against him.



He didn't seem particularity bothered about it.


Yes...there's so much time put into this (in fact, it's practically the whole story), I expected there to be some dramatic payoff.

And we don't even know if the thievery will how is his future and different?


I feel the same way. The fact that the salesman got bushwhacked made it plain that somebody organized was behind at least some of the actions to take down Morales. I was thinking they had a person on the inside who knew the lead the salesman was going to and tipped them off.
