Inquiry about Lewis (spoiler)
How exactly did he get infected? Joel took off and didn't kill himself in front of Lewis, which I thought was the requirement for it to move on. He got plastered a few seconds outside, so how did that equate to it passing to Lewis. Because he visually saw him last?
I tend to dislike vague and confusing movies that leave you unsure. This one mastered that. It got to where it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. IMO, it's weak writing that allows the writer to just make crap up and throw it in there. Lazy writing that lets the viewer decide what and what isn't real so the writer is not accused of bad storytelling.
Naomi Scott did a bang-up job. She pulled off the frantic and stressed demeanour with incredible realism. This franchise has a never-ending possibility feel to it. As long as there's money to be made, it'll keep going.