Morris, who was offering to help her by killing her...
...he was all part of the demon just fucking with her? When he went "Let me just go get something from outside" and never came back that was because he was just another part of the whole hallucination?
It appears so. It seems the entire encounter with Morris, his offer to help, and his disappearance are part of the entity’s way of psychologically tormenting Skye. The jump to the surreal stage scene further supports that she is fully immersed in the entity’s hallucination, detached from reality.
It appears that, at least Morris' last appearance its a hallucination, that it's not him there, but the entity. But you're saying you believe that, even in his first appearance, "he" was already the entity? That the whole meeting in the bar was an illusion? I'm not so sure about that. What do you think the entity would gain by pretending being Morris? What would it accomplish explaining to Skye about its own story and the way to kill him?
No, the demon took complete control of Haley's mind in her apartment when that bunch of people start following her and dancing with her and in the end the entity introduce his arm in her mouth then she remembers the accident she caused were that actor dies, from that point on everything is hallucination, her waking up in the hospital, her killing her mom, running from the police, her friend driving, her reuniting with Morris and entering the abandoned Pizza Hut all that is the demon playing with her mind at the same time using her body as puppet we just din't see that part
Morris is real, her friend probably spent the night in her house, and they made amends, to be honest I don't understand why some people are so impressed with this movie a 7 is unfair this movie is a 5 at most the whole thing feels like lazy writing
Gemma didn't spend the night.
She asks Gemma on the phone if she stayed at her place last night and she says 'No - I haven't talked to you in over 1 year'
At that point Haley is already under the demon complete control, she is not talking to Gemma, and she is not running from the police after killed her mom, we know this because her mom is alive at the concert, and she is in the stage no police is chasing her, as I said everything that happen between the point the demon enter through her mouth in the apartment and the concert is just the demon playing with her head everything is a hallucination.
We really have no reason to believe she and Gemma dint speak, the demon is the only one telling us that dint happen, and I suppose that is to make Hailey feel more vulnerable and alone
he made her live in an hallucination trap while the real her functioned fully until the show where the demon killed her infront everyone thus making the curse spread to thousends of people.
thats what the entity does, it traps you in an hallucination for an entire week untill he kills you. then, only my guess because it was never confirmed but this is what i think, one the demon kills you he probably torture you in some kind of an hell for eternity, and i dont think its this kind of torture we saw in the movies. i think this is paintfull insane kind of torture, otherwise. what the demon will benefit from killing them if he can torture them only for a week