In This Crazy Ass Movie
I keep wondering what these characters reply when asked "What did you do at work today?"
I slept with you and you're in love with my husband. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
I keep wondering what these characters reply when asked "What did you do at work today?"
I slept with you and you're in love with my husband. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
Yeah. Think of all the poor henchmen. They answered the ad for henchmen, they took the henchmen training, they slowly climbed the henchmen ladder and they contributed to the pension plan. To show team spirit, they all dressed alike (whoops, bad move, guys).
Then one day they blithely head off to work. They give their henchwife a peck on th cheek, they tousle t hair of their two little henchkids. "Be sure to get a quart of milk on your way back from picking up little Kyle from th soccer game!" "Sure thing, honey!". Then they headed out the door. Not knowing that this would be the day when they would cross paths with one John Wick fo fiv seconds. And he would bring their storybook existence to an end.
I needed a bi of background on each henchman before I was ready for Wick to erase them.