MovieChat Forums > John Wick (2014) Discussion > Russian was so bad, it sounded like gibb...

Russian was so bad, it sounded like gibberish )))

good movie, but come on, most of the Russian in there sounded like gibberish. it's actually kind of funny. i wonder if it was on purpose.

phrases that could be understood sounded like word for word translation from English, not a natural speech.


To the 99.99% of people who watched this movie who a)aren't Russian, and b)don't speak Russian...this had little impact on the enjoyment of the movie, if any.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Yes what a daft comment. Who speaks Russian apart from Russian gangsters? teehee


Lmao! Gibberish from everybody or just Keanu?


If you want to see bad movie russian, watch hunt for red october!
What I found totally stupid was when the gangsters were singing a lullaby in the bathhouse. that didn't make too much sense.


Probably a second generation Russian speaking consultant was invited to translate the English lines into Russian (which was done half assedly). The person was also asked for a popular Russian song with a boogie man in it. Not knowing the answer he asked his native Russian parents. They, not knowing where and how the song would be used, gave him their answer, a lullaby of all things. Then the song was used through the movie as something very popular and hip, something you would sing next to a fireplace, or partying in the pool.
Doesn't really matter, this didn't make the movie any bit worse.


I was just confused by why the mob boss with the most obvious swedish accent I've heard in years had a son who was speaking "russian".
Maybe the mother was russian?


I was completely taken out of the movie and could not enjoy it due to the HEAVY Swedish accent on the *beep* "russian" mob boss. I couldn't keep from laughing in his every scene, it was so ridiculous.
