Daisy Scene?

Question about Daisy's death scene (spoiler)

Did the blow to its head with the bat instantly kill Daisy, and the Russian thugs laid her beside John Wick when he woke up, or did she crawl to him to die? The blood on the floor appeared to indicate that she crawled there to die next to John. Little ambiguous, but I'm sure it was supposed to be. Really done well to put John's revenge in motion.



I think before john blacked out, he crawled to the puppy.


The puppy was hurt bad by the blow to the head. But it didn't die. It's clear from the opening shot of the next morning when you see the trail of blood leading up to John (and little paw prints in the blood) that the puppy came to at some point during the night and crawled/limped its way to John to die next to him. Which made John's revenge even sweeter.


correct.... that's the most heartbreaking scene of this movie to me -- not the guys beating the dog or john, but the shot of him waking up to see she crawled her little broken, bloody body and laid down right next to his face.... that shot had me like fuuuuuuuuuu.....kkkkkkk man, you know? lol

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


Easily the most depressing thread oh imdb, ever...now I'm glad it will be shut down
