MovieChat Forums > Ballers (2015) Discussion > Prescription drug issue in the show

Prescription drug issue in the show

I have a real issue with these scenes. It is very insulting to Hispanics, white physicians, and script pad manufacturers. I mean if they are going under aliases, then how do they fill them at the pharmacy because your ID has to match the prescription. Finally, Florida has some of the strictest laws due to Medicaid/Medicare fraud, the aging population, and Disney world

Thank you for your time reading this, and there is a long term injectable used for opioid dependence that may be on market in 2017 - this may depend on the election. This will cure heroin overdoses and pain.


I live in Florida and most physicians getting busted are white or foreigners. We have strict laws but the state is notoriously the easiest place to get pills. It's well known to out-of-state pill pushers. I read a ton of West Virginian pull pushers love Florida as well. We've had a couple busts here in Cocoa Beach and all the doctors were white.

I'm assuming they are using Hispanic surnames because the drug store is called Otra blah blah and the clientele is more than likely Cuban like 39% of the population down there. I think the doctor owns/works in the pill mill so why bother with an ID? The script is just a paper trail.


I hope Florida can get their prescription drug problem and social security fraud under control. I just hope that all physicians take their Hippocratic oaths more serious than this doctor character in this show. It's like they always say - when you wish upon a star


I'm really trying to tell if the OP is a troll or not a native English speaker. Pill mills have been a big issue in south Florida. However, they've cracked down a lot in recent years. I think this scene would have been much more realistic 5-10 years ago than it is today. Opiates are still a very prevalent problem though, and many that cannot get access to pills anymore are turning to heroin. Like much of the rest of the country.
