Favorite character?

Mine would have to be Charles and Julie Greane I found myself less and less interested in whatever Spencer and Joe had going on and more interested in Charles. I find him to be the most consistent character and the one with the most depth, plus he's the only one who seems stable and normal compared to Ricky, Joe, and Spencer.


Mr. Anderson and Joe Krutel!


I find Julie to be a completely unrealistic character.

A smoking hot wife who is a doctor, has time to be at home to baby her man AND drive him around to do his job as a member of the MIAMI front office?

I don't think so.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished."


yup and how many young hot black female medical doctors have you ever seen in real life?


Yes because you two have visited every doctor/medical place in the world to know.

 such geniuses.


I like Ricky.

Alonzo was pretty funny in the last ep when Green went to him about contract. If he gets more scenes like that he could be a favorite of mine.


TTD and Nate.


Definitely JAY!

"Is there any tread left on the tires...or is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway"-SG


A show full of unlikeable asswipes, the worst is Cordry, reminds me of that weasily creature that hung with Jabba the Hutt.
Annoying as F, not a single funny line said as of yet. When he tries it is telegraphed! terrible!


I'm with @homespundogg:

Charles Greane is the only guy you can really like & root for. (And his wife is SMOKIN'.)

Well, maybe also Joe, who was set up early as the "designated underdog," but in season 2 he became simply comic relief.
