A couple of questions
1. What is that scene in which the court official (perhaps) checks on the girl's biological father to find out if he can be taken to the magistrate the next morning. When he enters the room, he is staring at the camera for a real long time. As if he has spotted a ghost there. Later, it turns out that a boy is sitting there. Is he shocked at the fact that a boy is made to guard the door? But why stare for good 10 seconds? Did i miss something?
2. When the demand is of 20 lakh, why does the inspector give a bag full of even more to the father?
3. The father, who has been all concerned about the girl (and goes to the extent of robbing a store) is so gullible as to believe a certified cheat, does not even verify if the girl is safe and goes on with the cheat's plan.
4. The cheat does not even think twice before telling SUCH A BIG LIE to his friend towards the end not anticipating his reaction.
5. No stray dogs in Mumbai who would circle the dead body? No ants?