Are they actors ?

The ones commenting on the stories. They seem so. Clare the nurse did.



I think they are, and bad ones at that. If you look at the page two people are listed as playing Diana. I think bio is trying to pull one over on everyone with these "true stories" but of course covering their asses with the disclaimer at the beginning saying identities may have been changed. This is a new low for bio. They're not even trying anymore. I'm pretty sure everything, including the stories, are fake.


I'm irritated about it. Not having the actual eyewitnesses recounting their stories removes any reason for me to watch it. I think that what the show's producers are doing is unethical because they do want viewers to think that the eyewitnesses are the real deal and not actors.

The appeal for me of shows like "Celebrity Ghost Stories" and "The Haunting" is that what is being said is as close to what actually happened as is possible. I hope so, anyway. Memories can be faulty but the eyewitnesses should at least be sincere. Many watching will dismiss the accounts with "logical explanations" but at least the eyewitnesses believe what they are saying is true. I don't watch shows like this purely for entertainment. I watch movies for that. I watch shows like this to better understand the nature of reality. Just what exactly is it all about?

This show left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't mind that they are essentially presenting fictional stories "inspired" by actual accounts. I do mind that they're trying to hide that fact. Unlike some, I thought the acting of the eyewitnesses was effective (I only watched one show); in short, I bought it.

I won't be watching this fabrication again.


Pretty sure they are, and not even good ones. It's so obvious!



THANK GOD other people noticed this! I was so freakin' excited about a new eyewitness ghost show, being that I've had experiences my whole life. Plus, a lot of people love a good scare. The first episode I watched I was thinking that the person telling the story seemed like she was acting. Especially talking about things that would bring tears to my eyes if it had happened to me. I gave the second episode a chance- or maybe 2nd story, same episode? I don't know. But I KNEW that s#%t had NOT happened to them!!!! REALLY?!?! Bummed me out. Gooooood stories, but embarrassing to watch knowing the "eyewitness" is a flipping LIAR.


The Family Grave & Deception episode has to be fake. The guy is an AWFUL actor.

I hate it when a show is B.S. At least the Celebrity Ghost Stories episodes have good actors who can sell the story (though some might have seen something).


You think that most of the celebrities on "Celebrity Ghost Stories" sharing their supernatural experiences are making it up? So the show is a fraud? I disagree. It's possible that some of them are putting us on, which is pretty despicable (they may think it's all a joke), but I don't think that most are. If so, some of them have given the performances of their lives. Did you see the Dee Wallace one, for example?

Some have appeared on follow-up shows with Kim Russo where they return to the scene of the haunting. If it's all an act, I would be very disappointed and quite surprised. I don't want to be so cynical that I'm suspicious of everyone's motives.


They sure are, they're AWFUL. I can't get past it. I'm also not sure if the script is what's bad or if it's the acting or a combination of both. Either way...I'm not liking this show. The acting is so distracting.


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed the HORRIBLE acting. Come on, in season two all the episodes are literally ruined because the so called "witness" sounds like he or she is reading from a script. Too fake! I love the first season because the stories were genuinely creepy and for the most part well told, but season two has been really bad thus far.


Yup, this is like my fourth post on this subject too. I literally just deleted all the episodes just now because of the s h I t t y acting !


I know for a fact that, in the episode "The Whispering & Ethel", the sister of the person telling the story is an actress. I have personally worked with her before.
So yes, if one is actor, it's very very likely that all of them are actors. And that defeats the whole purpose of the show.


It was our understanding when speaking with one of the associates of the show that this show has chosen to protect the identity and anonymity of the person who experienced the encounters, which is why there may be actors portraying the victims.
