Has anyone confirmed even a single story?
With all the episodes, you'd think by now there'd be at least a single element from one of the stories that could be corroborated through a search engine hit... anyone ever find or hear of anything? Locations, people, histories, etc?
The last episode I saw was Pest House / Sleepwalkers, they're really pushing the amount of *beep* people go through before they consider leaving the damn house. I mean in Sleepwalkers the woman's roomate literally dies, when she sleepwalk-suicides, then this chick who has the exact same sleepwalk dream down to every detail doesn't think it's time to leave yet... yup, it's right back to sleep in the same house, you know, just to give the ghosts another chance to kill her because they failed the first time.
Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable