Its hard to be leave the stories are real if there is actors,bad ones at that telling the stories. I would like to know if the stories are real. Other shows I watch have the real people telling their experience. You can tell when someone is acting. But I guess I'll keep watching.get real though.
Yeah, I saw one episode on A&E (Sad Sam one...eeek!) and thought, "Hey this show is pretty good for a re-enacted ghost show - the acting's not amazing by any means, but it's not so terrible that it's distracting either and the "ghosts" & spooky goings on (doors opening on their own, footsteps, etc) are genuinely creepy and not over-the-top CGI-ish...". Then I started downloading other episodes and I quickly caught on that the supposably "real people" telling/narrating their ghost stories were actors too! 😕😠They all adopt the same exact "style" of story telling and halting way of talking which is really annoying! 😦 I've seen about 8 episodes now and the "real people" actors are the most irritating aspect of the show for me, cuz they all sound *exactly* the same in every vignette!😵 Usually it's the other way around (for me anyways!) and it's the re-enactment actors who are usually the most distractingly bad. I'm curious to know if any of these ghost stories are based on real paranormal experiences. Many of them are too cliched to be true, I suspect. Like the girl under the bridge one and how no one else ever found the body just laying there in plain sight! Weak! Or the conveniently found photos of the sorority girl being hazed who later died as a result of the hazing, why would they keep the incriminating evidence photos?? Lame! Oh well, I love watching spooky stuff around Halloween, so I'll watch a few more. If it gets any more annoying (the acting) I'll just skip to the next vignette. The Sad Sam one legitimately freaked me out (just the idea of a clown hiding in the closet and killing the family was suuuuuper scary imagery - cuz, I mean, let's be honest - clown's are flippin' scary in broad daylight, but a mentally unstable killer clown who hides in a kids closet? The stuff of Nightmares, folks!!) and I had to sleep with the lights on that night! Doesn't help that I had a fear of clowns as a young child either, I guess! 😛 👻🎪😨
Light a fire, a fire, a spark Light a fire, a flame in my heart
Same here. I just saw the Sad Sam episode and was shocked. I went online to read the real story of the murder and found nothing at all. If this was true there should be news articles or people talking about it especially with all the creepy clown reports of luring children. I found nothing but discussions about this tv show. It's fake. It never happened which makes me conclude most of the stories are nothing but fiction.
"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."
I think the stories are fabricated. I came across this show flipping channels literally just now and within seconds I recognized the "eyewitness" in Season 2 Episode 8 named "Marissa". The actress is Amy Schuber and she was in the movie Escape from Tomorrow, which is on Netflix. I was curious (and bored) and read some reviews and other boards and there were several people who also claim recognizing the "eyewitnesses" as actors.
Oh man, the acting is SO bad. The vast vast majority of them have the exact same pacing and the same inflection, the "medical testimonial" inflection. You know what I mean? The way actors talk in ads for yeast infection creams and anti-histamines.
It's ridiculously phony. And not only that, but we have siblings in stories where they NEVER look anything like one another, and compared to Paranormal Witness wherein it's clear that they are interviewing people from ALL walks of life, this show implies that only photogenic people experience hauntings.
It kills my immersion every time. I try to suspend disbelief, saying the people might be real but they might be coached, but I can't do it anymore. It's too phony. Part of the appeal of these shows for me is the possibility that this could have happened and they've mucked that up in every single aspect.
AT the beginning of each double episode it says "THE FOLLOWING TWO STORIES ARE INSPIRED BY DOCUMENTED PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS" (their caps, not mine).
Considering they have actors playing the "real" people, too, the whole thing is scripted, so the majority of each episode is pure fiction.
"Inspired by" ranks right up there with "re-imagined" for meaning "We took someone else's basic premise/situation and rewrote everything to suit our own purposes, until it's virtually unrecognizable, when compared to the original story."
Excellent comments above. So true, so very true. Come to think of it - how this show is rated anything over 4/10, is even more mysterious than anything said on it!?
Basically, if it's the real deal which interests you, then your choice is narrowed down to these three shows: The Canadian produced 'Ghostly Encounters', 'A Haunting' or best of all 'Paranormal Witness'.
- Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox
I prefer the show The Haunting where the REAL PEOPLE being interviewed are talking about their experiences and the hell they actually went through. Even the actors acting the stories are so much better and make you feel sympathy for the REAL PEOPLE who lived through their horrific ordeals. I'm not sure where I could watch The Haunting now, I know SyFy or Lifetime use to show reruns but now I don't know.. I forgot where it originally started or what station it was on but it was a very good show and the re-enactments w/the actors were so convincing.. Anybody remember the show I'm talking about?