The swear jar

I understood that he broke into the swear jar to fund the adventures with the kids. But why would he carry around a gallon-size pickle jar? It seemed awkward. It would have been easier to cash in the money and carry larger bills.

And I understand that this is a really nitpicky comment. Frankly, I liked the movie more than I expected I would.


Zach wouldn't risk losing the 10% taking all of the coins to coinstar.


Dude did Zach Braff piss in your cheerios? He did nothing ethically wrong by raising the money on Kickstarter. I'm sure he doesn't troll your message boards with a million posts because he, unlike you, is doing something with his life. It's really unhealthy to obsess like this.

In other words: *beep* YOU!

Joseph Chastainme


He did nothing ethically wrong by raising the money on Kickstarter.
Yes, he did. As evidenced by the quality of the movie he created as a result.

he doesn't troll your message boards
This isn't the "Zach Braff" message board. This is the "Wish I Was Here" message board.

unlike you, is doing something with his life.
Correct, he is stealing money from his fans to make terrible movies, even though those same fans already made him very rich.

In other words: *beep* YOU!
How thoughtful. I've never once said such hateful things about Mr. Braff, but if you are the caliber of fan that he has, no wonder why you don't care that he steals money from you.

In your pathetic attempt to defend the good nature of someone, you lower yourself to swearing thereby reducing your "message" of defense to the lowest manner.


I'm not a fan of Braff at all actually. I'm a fan of raising funds on Kickstarter. I think it is a *great* thing that celebs do that, it helps the smaller guys do it too. I haven't even seen this film TBH, I just think you're incredibly ignorant and know nothing about how the film world really works.

Joseph Chastainme


I'm a fan of raising funds on Kickstarter.
Most folks are fans of getting money for doing nothing.

However, there are many legitimate start-ups on Kickstarer utilizing what it was intended to do... kick start their idea. Folks like Zach Braff simply abuse this and ruin it for others who actually do not have the finances nor the connections to kick start their project.

I just think you're incredibly ignorant and know nothing about how the film world really works.
I think the same thing about you.


Dude, I've made movies. Show me your IMDB link. Mine is in my signature.

And Braff didn't get money for nothing, he got money for making a film. His fans willingly gave their money. He didn't steal it or embezzle it.

Joseph Chastainme


Dude, I've made movies. Show me your IMDB link. Mine is in my signature.
 That's your point out of all this? If you truly do make movies you'd know full well that what Braff did is pathetic. He had the money and his own connections to fully fund the movie, yet he went on kickstarter and begged for the money.

Kickstarter is for someone like you, who is virtually unknown, and needs a literal kick start to get their project. Zach already has his fortune, he's just abusing it.

And his fans didn't "willingly" give him the money. He specifically stated that if they wanted to see his follow-up to "Garden State" that they would also need to fund it for him. He had a large fanbase who already appreciated his work yet he flat out told them that he didn't care enough about his fans to make more movies for them, that they'd have to fund it too.

Anyway, it's really sad that after all this you've used your defense of Zach Braff's use of kickstarter as an advertisement to your own film "career".


But, if you're a fan of [the idea of] raising funds on Kickstarter, doesn't it concern you that ZBraff has probably done a great deal of damage to that particular resource channel, at least for filmmakers, by coming out with this nauseating, treacly failure of a film? It comes off like one of those "faith based" movies only for Jewish persons instead of Christians.


But, if you're a fan of [the idea of] raising funds on Kickstarter, doesn't it concern you that ZBraff has probably done a great deal of damage to that particular resource channel, at least for filmmakers, by coming out with this nauseating, treacly failure of a film? It comes off like one of those "faith based" movies only for Jewish persons instead of Christians.

To each his own. The fact that you don't like the movie doesn't imply ZBraff ruined the chance for others to raise money this way.

I loved this movie; it felt sincere, is intelligent, great cast and the performances are natural and good. I really liked the kids; they were acting their age - in contrast to a lot of other movies.

Why only for Jewish people? For me - raised roman catholic - it's far more interesting to learn something about an other religion.
Besides that, the writers are raised Jewish and the movie is loosely based on their own experiences. What do you expect, that they made it about a Buddhist family, or moslim or Christian?


But, if you're a fan of [the idea of] raising funds on Kickstarter, doesn't it concern you that ZBraff has probably done a great deal of damage to that particular resource channel, at least for filmmakers?

Those campaigns succeed (or fail) based on exposure. Famous people have access to large fan bases, so unless their movie idea sounds awful, they will most likely reach their goals. I don't see that changing in the future.

It does disappoint me that they are using this as a tool though when a lot of them could just bank roll their own pet projects.

My personal favorite was James Franco's campaign. He was saying how Zac Braff shouldn't be doing a kickstarter campaign b/c it was wrong of rich people to do that. Then a few months later he did his own campaign and tried to say it was okay b/c for him to do it b/c it was a different situation.


He was saying how Zac Braff shouldn't be doing a kickstarter campaign b/c it was wrong of rich people to do that. Then a few months later he did his own campaign and tried to say it was okay b/c for him to do it b/c it was a different situation.
 How did James' project turn out?

I missed that one, but that's the exact definition of a hypocrite.


That's a smart move by him, I suppose. But carrying around money in a pickle jar isn't safe.

Show too much kindness, people won’t fear you. If they don’t fear you, they don’t follow you.
