Dude, I've made movies. Show me your IMDB link. Mine is in my signature.
That's your point out of all this? If you truly do make movies you'd know full well that what Braff did is pathetic. He had the money and his own connections to fully fund the movie, yet he went on kickstarter and begged for the money.
Kickstarter is for someone like you, who is virtually unknown, and needs a literal kick start to get their project. Zach already has his fortune, he's just abusing it.
And his fans didn't "willingly" give him the money. He specifically stated that if they wanted to see his follow-up to "Garden State" that they would also need to fund it for him. He had a large fanbase who already appreciated his work yet he flat out told them that he didn't care enough about his fans to make more movies for them, that they'd have to fund it too.
Anyway, it's really sad that after all this you've used your defense of Zach Braff's use of kickstarter as an advertisement to your own film "career".