i laughed out loud when

scarlett was running back to the stone chamber and just pushed the gargoyle thing out of the way


Yeah, she just plowed through it! She was like "No time to be scared by you, I've got a boyfriend to save!"




I got a kick out of that too. It's like nothing would scare her in that moment and I was glad she just shoved them out of the way.


i laughed my butt off... that was so ridiculous
you even hear the gargoyle going GGRRRRAAA 

i did love that


Knew what this was about from the title alone. Laughed my butt off as well, both times (she did it twice!).

-sometimes I feel like I'm on everyone's ignore list 




She plowed that thing Tomb Raider style!

Though hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's impossible to win an argument with an idiot


I laughed out loud near the end of the movie when the few remaining members of the young explorers have got their backs up against the wall, and it appears that they won't make it out of the catacombs alive, so George takes a moment to tell Scarlett,

"What ever happens to us now, I just want you to know that the week we spent in Turkey together.... was the best time of my life."

To which Scarlett replies, "Mine too."

That whole scene would feel insincerely corny if it happened in a Romantic comedy. So, it feels WAAAY out of place in a 'lost footage' horror film.


Yes, that was funny because of the way he talked about Turkey. I giggled.

"I don't want to have a bloody avatar!" -paraphrased from BQQ's annoyances with IMDb's stupidity



LMAO yeah that was really weird. I took it as he was wanting to actually lead to an "I love you" or something and I thought she would at least say something besides her two word response. It was an awkward moment for sure and just all around pointless. LOL


That was great. Nobody ever just plain whomps a bad guy in one of these movies. But she just has no time for that foolishness.


When the very young female protagonist listed all her advanced degrees, languages spoken and martial arts training. Did she start college at age ten?

"No Worf, you cannot stun my cat!" Data.


Meannie75, when this film came out, her age was 28. Plenty old enough to have all of those degrees. My kid's college roommate got her bachelors degree at 19 with a double major in chemistry and engineering. She of course went on to get her advanced degrees, too. Some people are just really, really smart!
