So what happened to Pap?

He gets dragged into the burning car and then his feet are sticking out of the ground. The try to dig him out but can't. So was he buried alive? Burned? What happened to him?

"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel


Thats what it seems, yes


His soul is presumably suffering in hell for an eternity. I don't think the physical specifics matter toooo much


The feet sticking out of the ground thing is from Dante's Inferno. A nice touch.


He caused a car crash that killed the curly haired boy - who was the same curly haired boy that suggested that Scarlett meet with Pap.

Earth. Welcome.


Oohhhhhh...I didn't make that connection in the movie! Now that makes a lot of sense!!
