stop using Shaky Cam

Such a dumb gimmick and makes the film unwatchable for many ppl.


It adds to the effect for many people actually. Maybe you're not a movie cam kinda person.


OP is right. The shaky cam makes this movie bearly watchable.


IMO it's usually lazy cinema goers who want a pristine Steadicam Spielbergesque cinematic experience.

Leave the chaotic and unpolished techniques to people who actually care about atmosphere, story and suspense. I heard there's no shaky cam in Devil Wears Prada....



It's found footage, I wouldn't consider that the same as shaky cam. Found footage films feel much more real to me than any other kind of horror films.


Oddly my criticism of this film is the unrealistically steady cam. Not to mention one man (Benji) getting different angles of people while they're talking.
