What is this show?

I see articles about this show all the time. Why do so many people watch a cartoon? Is it really that awesome? Details/reasons why you enjoy it pleaseee :)


Short answer: Pickle Rick


seen that a few times, gonna google it I guess. thanks bud


It's the bee's knees dude..


It's very funny, very creative, very well written, and is EXCELLENT science fiction... Yet it still has its fantastical elements, when needed.

It's animated because doing it live action would be insanely expensive, and the characters wouldn't have that cartoonish personality upon just looking at them. Like Rick and his alcoholic drool, that alone wouldn't work in live action.

It's inspired by Back to the Future, and is basically a warped mad scientist version of that, with better family dynamics.


Thank you so much for this Frogarama! :D
I love Back to the Future and it sounds funny so I might check it out.


The first season is the best, but they are short seasons anyway. The episode where dogs take over the Earth is just amazing.


Sounds promising! At the very least I'll get to see some cute animated pups.


Sort of cute... Here's Snowball:


Aw! I'm intrigued because of the robot? he's in. Yeah, might have to break down and watch some


I am currently obsessed with Rick And Morty at the moment and I try to watch an episode whenever I can and I find it funny and I can see why Rick And Morty is such a hit cartoon for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup. I am also trying to collect Rick And Morty merchandise and so far I have a plush mini keychain doll of Rick and I have a Rick And Morty baseball cap and Rick And Morty socks and I even sleep with a plush version of Morty as an alien and so all I have been wanting a big plush version of Rick but can never find one. I think why Rick And Morty has gotten so popular is that mainly teens and young adults watch it for it's humor and since the other Adult Swim cartoons have gotten cancelled Rick and Morty has become #1 in the Adult Swim lineup at the moment. And with the new season of episodes set to debut in November Rick And Morty will continue to be more popular and maybe someday release a movie in theaters but as a cartoon that brings the laughs to the table Rick And Morty will continue to still be successful as time goes by
