MovieChat Forums > Rick and Morty (2013) Discussion > What's your favorite episode?

What's your favorite episode?

Not a new question, I know, but people come and go on this board, so new responses over time!

So what is your favorite episode?

For me, the favorite is Meeseeks and Destroy, though there's a few other episodes which are very close to that. I really like the Meeseeks character(s), their silly and crazy behavior, and Morty's world of choice was quite funny.

At the same time, it is also one of the few episodes where Rick is really nice to Morty, without taking credit for it.


Lawnmower Dog


After just thinking the pilot episode was just "ok", I became hooked on this show b/c of the Lawnmower Dog episode.

I got into the show this past May. I think I had the first two seasons watched in less than a week.


Tough choices.

Meeseeks and Destroy
Total Rickall
Auto Erotic Assimilation (if that is the one that Jerry and Beth go to marriage counseling)

Honorable Mention: Mortynight Run, Big Trouble in Little Sanchez, M. Night Shaym-Aliens!, Lawnmower Dog, Rixty Minutes (the last 5 minutes is outstanding).

Certificate of Merit: Every other episode.


The Ricks Must Be Crazy. I thought the whole episode was funny and clever. The fact that the overall theme was actually pretty deep makes it even more hilarious.

It probably shouldn't make me laugh but when Kyle realizes that his life/world is basically pointless and crashes his ship it makes me laugh every time.

Also the fact that Rick and Zeep were so similar and that's why they couldn't stand each other.


yes that one is defenitely the best imo aswell!

and you gotta love the small jokes, like teaching the other universe, showing your middle finger means peace, and the other way around in the next episode... possibly the best moment of the whole show!

list of best tv shows:


Total Rikall

Sleepy Gary. :)

Mortynight Run

"I would like to leave now."
"Ok, right down that tube."

*Jerry starts getting into tube*

"You're doing great!"


Meeseeks and Destroy

The whole meeseeks plot was great but the super dark turn of the jellybean king was amazing.

Destroy it.
Our people will get more from the idea he represented... than from the jelly bean he actually was.


The one with Unity followee by the one with all the fake characters.


The Cronenberg Ep, easily


Meeseeks and Destroy for me as well. I had to pause after the "he roped me into this!" scene because I was laughing so hard.
