Agreed - Bojack just gets depressing. Lots of dislikeable characters. The whole 'half of them are humans and half are animals' gets old quickly, too. Not to mention I've seen a lot of the plotlines in other places - there's a bit where Todd's in prison that has the same running gag plot as one in Arrested Development, I swear.
I also remember reading a criticism of a terrible British cartoon that blighted our screens for a couple of weeks on the basis that it didn't NEED to be a cartoon ... they might as well have just filmed it with regular actors, it didn't explore its potential as an animation. Bojack does that too (despite the whole animals-are-people thing).
When Bojack's good it's brilliant, but it's not consistently entertaining, it just gets depressing. R+M does very sombre humour at times but manages to keep it balanced. But I guess everyone's entitled to their own preference, that's the joy of not being a collective hivemind named Unity.