Was watching this movie again and...
I gotta say the action scenes were like so over board man. From leaping to cars off from cliffs, driving off mountains and coming out without a scratch, driving through buildings off to other buildings, parachuted cars, people falling from buildings and landing on a car and have no pain whatsoever, and the most ridiculous one was "the street always wins" and this dude literally stomps on the street making it just crumble. Did these people actually have like super powers because these scenes were so Hollywood. But lol I still love the movie, It had action scenes that seemed so fake but made it look so real. Probably why I loved them and didn't really pay it any mind my first time. It was obviously fake because it's a movie of course, but I just wanted to wonder if anyone else agreed with me. And even though all these action scenes were actually awesome, the best scene, we can all agree on probably, was the very last scene with Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. But hey? That scene when Vin Diesel just fell down a whole mountain and came out without a scratch was pretty dope too haha.