I wish these films were longer

I've always liked DC's animated films yet I've never been fond of how they only last about an hour/hour and a half. For once I'd just like them to make a good 2 hour+ animated film..I mean as long as it's good then why not right? DC doesn't have the best rep with live action films so I wish they'd make more use of their animation department.


I agree. I think longer would be better in some cases.



Warner Bros. isn't willing to provide a large budget for straight-to-video animated movies. The only hope for one of these that runs more than 70+ minutes is to split a story into two or more parts and later combine them in a collector's edition. See the upcoming Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Deluxe Edition.

The only other possibility that I can realistically see is if DC Entertainment produces a high-quality animated movie for theatrical release.

"You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling you before."


Yes! I love a lot of these movies and they're really high quality. But the two things they could work on os the animation and the runtime. A good 15 minutes or so could develop the stories more. And the animation, well gross. It looks messy and cheap.

Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.


I hear that. Good call coolrvd.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking
