Y. M. C. A

I laughed out loud!

How do conservatives feel about their idea of manhood being mocked so savagely?


What in the world...?
That made no sense.


Yup. Politics are reserved for the private voting polls. Get that shit out of here.


That shipped sailed with the Village People 50 years ago. But the YMCA has always been a gay pickup spot.


It’s absolute cringe, along with all the other woke crap and blatant political messaging. Normal people come to Fargo for entertainment, but Noah Hawley has taken a leaf out of Rian Johnson’s playbook and used our goodwill towards the earlier seasons to lure us into enduring his basic bitch woke sermonising.

I’m sure it entertains other low IQ cattle who fall into the woke cult and applaud its racist, sexist, communistic messaging like trained seals, but for grown free thinking adults it’s just… tedious.


Why are you watching it if it is such an assault on your brilliant mind? 🙄


My mind is average, and as a normal person I find the kind of woke garbage that intellectually and morally deficient retards enjoy very patronising.

People watched it because Hawley pulled the old bait-and-switch - start a series off with a few great seasons, then begin to work in the woke propaganda. It’s a devious trick but it works every time.

They’ve blown it now though, I won’t be going back for more seasons after this, and I’ll be very wary of going near anything Hawley touches from now on, the creep.


Where do you get your morals from?


From being an adult human who grasps the very simple Golden Rule.

Where does your morality come from?


I call him Smelton, because he is always Smelting.

Signed, million man


