It plays a lot like a hate campaign against men. It's got a nice enough story, but it's like terrorist feminists stormed the writers office and held them at gunpoint, forcing them to not so cleverly weave in hatred against men into this. They didn't just do the ole' classic "women can too! women can be strong and independent", no they went full on misandrist. What gives? This is overtly bigoted and should be called out for what it is.
Oh, really? So I just imagined all those lines about how it's a time where women can do anything, and where they blatantly state that men fail at everything, that it's time for a woman to pick up the slack. And then we have that caricature villain that gets kidnapped by Kirsten Dunst, and he's spouting a bunch of strawman misogynist things, representing the imaginary patriarchy of the west. You have to be blind, deaf, and dumber than a bag full of cats not to notice.
Dodd was the only character really like that though, out of what, maybe ten or so major or minor male characters? A few people like that do exist in real life, and did then, but they are hardly the norm. So showing one who is/was a wifebeater (it was mentioned somewhere that he beat his wife, but we never see her so I'm wondering if she's dead or got out) and is generally a real woman-hater, doesn't mean they're portraying the norm of all men.
And the Fargo series (and movie) certainly portray all sorts of characters not in the norm, no?
And Peggy was portrayed as pretty flaky a lot of the time--and was hardly a hero. She had her moments where we cheered her simply because we were rooting for her and Ed (and likely for most Ed especially, who had no fault in the situation other than going along with his wife and the coverup) against the bad guys, but ultimately in the end it was highlighted how self-absorbed and out of touch with reality she was when lamenting how unfair life was to her in the squad car ("people died", Lou had to remind her).
Oh there's a patriarchy alright - in the middle east. In the west, where women are probably given more privileges than anywhere else in the world, I see a bunch of feminists spouting statistics that are poorly researched, they don't even know the reasons for a lot of their own statistics, such as when they often rattle off the 70 cents on every dollar pay. It isn't about distributing wealth over the population in a communist fashion but rather getting paid for the work that you do. Women have a history of being less likely to go for the high paying job, and even today when so many things have changed and women have been empowered to the point that they have, there's still about a 30 % difference, as women as a whole gender get about 70 cents on the dollar. But if you compare how much individual women get for the same work as men, there's less than a three percent difference. That's close enough for me to call it EQUAL. I wouldn't complain if women earned 3 % more than men.
Patriarchy sort of used to be a thing in the west of course, I don't deny that. Women weren't allowed to do a bunch of things. Now women are typically allowed the things they weren't used to, but the way modern feminists typically work is that they're not asking to be given responsibility and take on a bunch of responsibilities that historically have been put on men. They're asking for privilege. They're looking for handouts.
Back to the issue we were discussing, you seem to deny that the certain behaviors portrayed by obvious political bigoted strawmen characters is non existent. With shows that take place a few decades ago or more, do you also deny that there's any political reason to giving a very dirty, nasty, negative view of white people through the way there's almost always white characters that show hatred towards blacks?
Oh there's a patriarchy alright - in the middle east. In the west, where women are probably given more privileges than anywhere else in the world, I see a bunch of feminists spouting statistics that are poorly researched, they don't even know the reasons for a lot of their own statistics, such as when they often rattle off the 70 cents on every dollar pay.
The poor research and ignorance is entirely on your side. Every mainstream economist in the world recognizes that there is a pay disparity between men and women and that the best explanation for it is gender bias. It isn't even up for debate except in knuckle dragging sexist circles such as those you obviously inhabit.
Now women are typically allowed the things they weren't used to, but the way modern feminists typically work is that they're not asking to be given responsibility and take on a bunch of responsibilities that historically have been put on men. They're asking for privilege. They're looking for handouts.
You couldn't back this up with a citation from a credible mainstream source if your pathetic life depended on it.
Back to the issue we were discussing, you seem to deny that the certain behaviors portrayed by obvious political bigoted strawmen characters is non existent. With shows that take place a few decades ago or more, do you also deny that there's any political reason to giving a very dirty, nasty, negative view of white people through the way there's almost always white characters that show hatred towards blacks?
Get back to me when you learn to compose grammatically correct and logically coherent paragraphs in the English language. This is a skill you clearly need to work on.
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Feminism became very much a thing in the 70s, along with "actualization" seminars, things like EST and other fad psychology/"self-improvement" stuff, etc. Even as a kid in the 70s I noticed and remember this. I'm assuming the writers of Fargo did their homework for a season covering 1979 (or simply remembered a lot about the decade themselves), no gun-pointing involved.
It was the times. Late 70's was when all the feminist forces gathered and created such programs as the one talked about the whole season. "Become a better you" and "Achieve your full potential" stuff. It was all aimed at mid-western housewives who hadn't gotten on board yet with the LA and NYC feminists.
Funny though I just read a post that claimed season two was misogynistic!! It is how each person sees things.