grant's character is a free mason
when he opens the second room and you see the 2 candles on the table, this is a famous free masonic symbol called "the pillars of solomon"
his interest in religions, sepcifically the big 3 monotheistic ones are known obsessions of free masons, as their religion or cult if you like is one who believe in all religiouns together, thats why you have free masons all over the world. it is, however, a satanic religion, just as all religiouns are satanic in nature, including mormonism, christianity,judism,islam, you name it. in other words. all religiouns are sub religiouns of the free masonic docterine which is (just like been said in the movie) a huge matrix,
aka not real. real to us, but not from the prespectives of those wearing human forms and control us who reside in higher dimentions then we are, from their prespective this world is like a video game,its real to us, but they can manipulate it to be whatever they want
so yes, grant's character being evil is part of what free masonry really is, the essence of free masonry is evil as its not really a human religioun but more of a demonic-alien religioun (aliens in human form control this matrix)
so, yes, there is a big possability that after you die they just unplugg from whatever it is (the archons) they can do whatever they want with you after all, maybe they would torture you endlessly in some kind of another simulation or just plug you again to live in this world. but in other words. the bottom line of this movie is tell people the big "secret" not to discuss any idiotic religious this way or another.
this "secret" was shoved down our throats with the show westworld which the all idea of the show is to tell us that we are an amsuement to those alien beings, its obviously was in the matrix movie as well as other shows, anime, movies, etc, all dwelved into this "idea" or "fact"
just so you know, if you hope to get something good after death, just dont, dont delude yourself. because only in the best scanerio you will not exist.
yes, they can, and they will torture you as much as they want. and it dosent matter how innocent you are, those are monsterous satanic beings, they love to torture innocent people.