Where to being....

Lets see, this movie kicked some major you know what. If you are like me , you must be tired of those low quality casting with the same old concept, "cabin in the woods" while making a "wrong turn". But Zom"BEE"avers (stick around after the movie end and you shall know what I meant) takes it a whole new level.

Very creative film and well qualified cast to do the job right. Everyone except the blond girl were interesting. Good beaver acting without revealing too much fakeness, after all its a fat rat with big teeth.

Things learned:
---If a lady offers to use her lingerie to cover a bleeding wound, just say no its too "small".
---Its' always better to use rifle scope even you're 10 feet away.
---Zombeavers are smart enough to severed phone lines but unable to hit a moving truck with down trees.
---If you're going to pet you're dog while reading a newspaper, double check if its not a zombieaver.
and most of all

---Do not wave for help if you see a commercial vehicle.


I want the ZomBees movie now :D Laughed my ass off.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks
