
Thank God he wants to continue to pay Israel’s rent❤️
Imho we need to double Israel’s rent. Ie there is no limit to how much is tax dollars we give them right?


Yes, I would rather 50 million Americans go to be hungry rather than one JEW needs to sleep under the JEW starts. America needs to wake up and give more. Now is the time to give more.


Yea! We need more politicians that care about Israel!


By the end of my first term, the US-Israel relationship will be deeper and stronger than ever because it won’t be a client relationship, it will be a true friendship. The centerpiece of my Middle East policy in Year 1 will be to consummate “Abraham Accords 2.0” which will be good for the U.S. and good for Israel. If we can lead the way in helping Israel fully integrate into the economic and security infrastructure of the Middle East via Abraham Accords 2.0, it is better for everyone if Israel is truly able to stand on its own feet with support from partners across the Middle East that we diplomatically bring to the table. We will not leave Israel hanging out to dry - ever.


There should be a Kurdish state as well as Israel.
That would really show the hypocrisy of the Islamists
since the Kurds are Muslims.

We should make them both US states. We should
stop apologizing for our imperialism, and institutionalize
it and make the rules public pull more countries into
our alliance - as long as they are democracies.

Oh .. I just woke up, must have been sleep-commenting.


I am very far from a globalist, but if we don't support Israel, they slip beneath the waves, and the entire region becomes Muslim. I don't know how much you know about Islam, but one of the core tenets is to wipe everyone non-Muslim off the map. Submit or die has been their policy for over a millenium. Recall, the Muslims controlled southern Europe for centuries and one to three million white Europeans were taken as slaves by Muslims. That can easily happen again, as Western Europe has no real military to speak of. They depend on the United States, and if the U.S. turns their backs? Israel is armed to the teeth, and is a bulwark against Islamic expansion into Europe. Some geopolitics for you.




It's a good investment. I can't remember the exact number, but
there are a huge percentage or new businesses and industries
started by Israeli firms every year.

Iran and the Palestinians terrorists do nothing for the world but
threaten it.
