What is the psychiatrist getting out of this? Also, the force field.
The debate about the ending can never be solved, and I think that was the point, though I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts. My one first thought was the Ethan 1 took Sophie 2 without realizing it. Though reading various threads here, it's hard to know! I can see why she may have had a very sudden change of heart about her husband, E2, people do that sometimes, very quick 180 about how they feel about someone. Based on E2s behavior in the last few moments, that may have been her breaking point where she lost all feelings for him and just though "hey, I'm getting out of here, and E1 is my way out". But why she would stay with E1 after provides more of a mystery. She showed no inclination for him whatsoever, she could have left him right away, but she didn't. Hmmmmmmmm Lots of food for thought here. And no real right or wrong answer. I DID think it was rather contrived that S1 would have brought TWO identical outfits for a 2 - 3 day weekend getaway. Not likely that would happen. I know they needed that to get to the ending, but it rings a bit false.
On to my question, which I haven't seen addressed: what is the marriage counselor getting out of this? Why would he set up this macabre scenario and imprison people there? And how do you set up a force field that will only let 2 people in or out - but not a single - and somehow knows when the 2 people are "ready", have passed the test required to get out?
I know the force field thing is one of those "suspension of disbelief" things, and not having ANY motive on the part of the psychologist doesn't ruin the movie for me, but still, it would nice if they had given him one. Or shown some aspect of his character that would demonstrate why he'd be prone to doing something like this. Maybe he's just a sadist/psychopath? But, in that case, well, most people with that bent need to see and be present to the suffering they inflict in order to make it worth while. A bit of background on that character would have been nice.
All that said, I really liked this movie a lot! Much more than I expected to.