Can we talk about...

Louise? I found her annoying as hell right from the start.
This stupid jealousy when she finds her daughter asleep close to the other woman. Yes, there could be a reason for... 🙄


the only annoying part was her sexting some other dude.
for me Benny was atrocious throughout..


How about leaving your daughter with a stranger who looks like he's from a Borat movie so you can have a fancy dinner?

Thanks Mom.


And yet that "stranger from the Borat movie" was the one character who did not kill or attempt to kill anyone else. Prejudice much?


Friends of murderers can sometimes be okay?

Is that your pitch?


My pitch is that we just don't know. We know that guy who cooked for them was not okay, but are we to assume that everyone they got to know in that locality is complicit. I'm just saying that there was no evidence provided to show that he was anything other than a babysitter doing his job.


I'm gonna assume he was in on it.

What grown man babysits children.


What if like the clock that's right twice a day, they were telling the truth and he was a refugee who was quite successful in his native country. But in jolly old England, the best he can do is babysit? Wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happens. One is forced to flee to escape political persecution only to experience economic persecution in the country to which s/he emigrates. But I don't think you can make that assumption on the grounds that he is a grown man babysitting children. If he was complicit, unlike Mike (or whatever the guy who cooked them that seafood dinner was named), it was never revealed that he was in on it and, if he was in on it, he got away scot free.
