So she just..

gave up her career which they made it look like she was killing it and very successful in it to stay with her friend ana do nothing with her life !! it doesn't seem convincing there must be other options like maybe her friend could move and live with her so that way she could keep her career and also help her friend
This is so stupid and kindda ruin the show for me.
Also how are they providing since no one of them is working !!


As well as cutting the husband out of his child's life. I agree what he did was wrong but I don't think it merited him to never be allowed to see his child.


It's seems to me you're taking the show too seriously! No the premise isn't realistic, but it's a comedy; and as far as the other commenter talking about the father situation. It feels as though you didn't watch the show because he was in the baby's life, he was there at the birth,and he was there in the next episode as they where getting ready for the christening.


I do admit I only saw the pilot, the male stripper episode, gnome episode (which I dont really remember) and the house painting episode. I was watching the beginning of the delivery episode when I posted and afterwards they sent mark to get the dad.


I agree, sometimes you have to let silly comedy roll over you...but it seems they allude to Emma going to China because she was running away from her past...and maybe she wasn't happy with that work & has mucho savings. Plus Bruce is a baffoon, they major question should be why she even married him, but he is involved esp in the 2nd season. Bruce has a construction company but the ladies don't seem to write much about it.
