Is this show about Lesbians?
The commercial makes it look that way.
I was born in the house my father built
The commercial makes it look that way.
I was born in the house my father built
In the first season they had that as a running-gag misunderstanding I suppose. The ladies are what we call bffs or besties from very early girlhood days. They promised to always be there for each other kind of thing.
Neither woman is of the lesbian persuasion as far as the viewers know through one season. They just speak about their life and the baby in a "you and me against the world" tone so some strangers will accidentally take them for a couple with mildly amusing results.
The expectant woman is a typical suburban small town type who caught her husband/partner being unfaithful and kicked him out. The other one is the single successful career climber who was nearing a semi-burnout when she got the long-distance call to come back home and rescue her best friend.
Try and catch up on the old episodes and see if you like it.
Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.
not that there is anything wrong with that
I was born in the house my father built