Will Irhan care that Samir screwed Kresller a few seasons ago?
I wonder if it could affect their marriage
I wonder if it could affect their marriage
I don't think he knows. BTW, his name is Aram.
He knows. Remember? He was pretty hurt about it when he found out. Then things were tense between them. Then he got over it. Then they connected, and started their love affair. Now they're getting married!
Oh, I think the OP meant to say Ressler. Now I do remember that. Thanks.
And yes, now they're getting married, and Samir has this awful disease. Maybe they're writing her out of the show,
or she wants out. What do you think?
I think these guys are the Keystone Kops of the FBI, and for her to not disclose such a debilitating condition AND STILL GO IN THE FIELD is horrific. As is Aram's enabling of her. Amazed that this behavior is accepted. . .narratively *and* in real-world discussion. She literally caused that British agent's death, and he told her it was ok. Wowsers.
I agree completely. This show has been slowly going downhill, and getting sillier and sillier.
Some of the episodes are bad enough to make you cringe. Spader is the ONLY reason I still
watch it. He could entertain me reading from a phone book. If he ever leaves, I will be done.
PS That's why I confidently (and correctly) predicted the quick demise of Blacklist Redemption
as soon as it was announced. I knew without Spader, it would flop big time, and it did.