A lot of you whiny anti woke man babies will actually like this movie.
It's like a traditional hero action McGuyver movie, reminded me of a lighter version of The A-Team remake. The nonwhites are relegated to support and antagonist (like in real life durrrr am i right my fellow whites!), there's almost no overt sexuality (so these femoids won't threaten our manhood or remind of our own male inadequacies. take THAT hOllywieRd!).. the only sexuality is the raw macho man meat of our leader character saving the day (through which we can vicariously live our own absolutely 100% heterosexual fantasies that all go unfulfilled in real life!).
Give this one a shot. You'll have to put away your Star Wars figurine toys action sets reliving your childhood for long enough to be able to watch the entire thing though. That could be a problem.
But if you're able to, it's actually a fun movie. Needs more boobs. Still I liked it. 6/10 đź‘Ť