MovieChat Forums > Get Fast (2024) Discussion > A lot of you whiny anti woke man babies ...

A lot of you whiny anti woke man babies will actually like this movie.

It's like a traditional hero action McGuyver movie, reminded me of a lighter version of The A-Team remake. The nonwhites are relegated to support and antagonist (like in real life durrrr am i right my fellow whites!), there's almost no overt sexuality (so these femoids won't threaten our manhood or remind of our own male inadequacies. take THAT hOllywieRd!).. the only sexuality is the raw macho man meat of our leader character saving the day (through which we can vicariously live our own absolutely 100% heterosexual fantasies that all go unfulfilled in real life!).

Give this one a shot. You'll have to put away your Star Wars figurine toys action sets reliving your childhood for long enough to be able to watch the entire thing though. That could be a problem.

But if you're able to, it's actually a fun movie. Needs more boobs. Still I liked it. 6/10 đź‘Ť


So you’re saying it’s enjoyable because it isn’t some leftwing fanfic fantasy preaching diversity to a world that doesn’t care with a sledgehammer full of actors of color defending the world against white oppressors while crying about racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia written and directed by liberals for a “modern audience” that won’t even see it?


I’ll check it out.

Thanks for the recommendation. đź‘Ť

P.S. every movie needs more boobs.


well obviously most of that exists in your head. the "leftwing fanfic" brigade is some small number of companies with large marketing budgets and production output, like Disney. it's the sentimental attachment to these companies and lopsided perception of their power and influence that makes you wrongly see these hidden agendas creeping around under every rock and "taking over". where really movies similar to this are still all over the place and constantly being put out. i see them all the time on streaming. this happened to be one that checks all the boxes. it's really like a movie you'd see made in the 1980's but painted over with modernisms. well, aside from severely lacking a good sex scene and some boobs. that's such a waste.

i like both, these kinds of movies and the kinds that are constantly whined about by the retards, even if the movies have super secret decoder-ring subliminal messaging, or if it's in your face or not even actually there (which is most of them in reality). as long as the movie itself is a fun enjoyable movie. yes you should check it out, because it is đź‘Ť


It just needs more boobs.


I like that - "anti woke man babies" - describes them perfectly.....

Back in October, Variety posted a chart of the top ten comic book movies of the past ten years and where they made their most box office cash at - in EVERY single one of them, foreign markets vastly out performed American theaters and to me, this is an indication of how globalization often has more of an impact on content versus that of what these "anti woke man babies" cry about.

Frankly, it's more about money than anything else and they are too vapid to think of that.


such a good point. Disney does have their ideologues. but when the direction they want to go and the direction the market tells them to go butts heads, the market means more. they want to be that multibillion dollar multinational. those not Disney, or in that same position wanting to be that global, are not going full steam in the same direction. the people eventually tapped to put these corporate projects to market make the public claims about diversity etc, but that's just more of post-rationality for wanting that global audience
