Thoughts on The White Iris (spoiler warning)
Okay, I don't like fanboy episodes (lots of references to past episodes), not keen on bringing in TNG staples like a ships's counselor or holodeck (yeah, I know the "rec room" originated in TAS).
But dang it...I'm a sucker for stories about the concept of forgiveness, and I found myself very moved by the final scene with his unborn child. And as usual, technically the episode was great. And Colin Baker to boot (lots of Doctors in this episode).
Speaking of which, if we have to have a ships's counselor, why couldn't we have had Helen Noel instead of a new "regular" character?
And please...can we have an original story that doesn't borrow heavily from past episodes next time?
Final thought: can't help feeling that Kirk's actions in this episode wouldn't make him unfit to serve as Captain of the Enterprise. What other psychological problems might he be hiding?
Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...