I LOVE it, but...

I think this show totally embodies the spirit of the original Star Trek series, but I find it difficult to warm to the new incarnations of Kirk, Spock et al. IMHO, I think the show would be more successful if they had created a new crew on a ship other than the Enterprise.

Some of the acting seems off the mark, but I think that could be due to the huge responsibility the actors must surely carry - the original cast is an incredibly tough act to follow.

All in all, a tremendously brave effort by all - especially the set designers, lighting and camera crew who have recreated the look of the original series perfectly (except for close-ups of females when the lens was always softened!).


100% agreed.



True dat, some actors are very good and relaxed, others seem to not understand how the original trek was.
All in all its the best fan made episodes I've ever seen and all the cameos by past trek actors and by stars from other sci-fi shows are pretty cool.


Only partly agree. It wouldn't be what was originally intended with a new crew, and many clearly love to see the continuing voyages of Kirk, Spock and Co.

I think this Kirk is the best Kirk (obviously) since Shatner. He's the right build (unlike scrawny Cawley), he has the right look, and more importantly he's very Shatneresque in his approach, and that's what we need. He's far better than Chris Pine in the new recent movies. James Cawley in that other ST production I felt was hopeless and I'm glad he gave the role up.

McCoy although doesn't really look like Deforest Kelley at all really nails his voice and mannerisms which makes him also perfect for the role as Doctor McCoy, as he caught the right essence of him. Christopher Doohan is naturally perfect for his father's role of Scotty.

We could do with a more convincing Spock though. But "Star Trek Continues" really does aim to imitate the original actors as much as possible and it mostly works, and along with the great stories so far, it already makes it far better than Phase II, imo :)


I want to agree with everything you said! I've just discovered this and started with episode 4, as it dealt with Spock taking away Kirk's memories and I always had hoped to get closure on that. I absolutely loved it. I could see the real Kirk shining through, the mannerisms, the voice, the speech pattern, simply awesome. When he was on the planet and they watched the video, you could think it was Shatner.
And you are also right, the first thing I thought was "He even has the same ribcage" LOL

Also McCoy blew me away. If you closed your eyes, you could think it was the real deal! It was helped though with a very good script and sentences he would exactly say so.

The scene with Kirk and his daughter brought tears to my eyes. I hadn't expected that.

Well done, everyone. Looking forward to see the rest.


I keep seeing people say things like you do, that this Bones "nails his voice and mannerisms". I don't see that at all. In fact, I thought maybe this was their attempt to just go for making one of the original characters be obviously gay, and that it would be too obvious to go with Sulu.

I also think Michele Specht is out of sync with the others in terms of sounding very 2015 American, instead of the 1960s vibe we get from the other actors in keeping with the uncanny production values.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


I keep seeing people say things like you do, that this Bones "nails his voice and mannerisms". I don't see that at all. In fact, I thought maybe this was their attempt to just go for making one of the original characters be obviously gay, and that it would be too obvious to go with Sulu.
Which actor playing Bones are you talking about? Larry Nemecek or Chuck Huber? If you mean Larry Nemecek (who played Bones in the first two episodes), I can see what you're talking about. I think he did a terrible job. (He's an excellent Star Trek scholar, but a poor choice to play Leonard McCoy). But I think that Chuck Huber (who plays Bones in all of the rest of the episodes as well as all of the vignettes) does quite well, especially in the episode "Divided We Stand". I'm pretty sure that the people saying that the actor that plays Bones nails it are talking about Chuck Huber.

Chuck Huber appeared in the vignettes (which were made before any of the full-length episodes) and was supposed to appear in all of the episodes as well. However, unforeseen events came up which caused him to be unavailable. So he was temporarily replaced with Star Trek historian/scholar/author Larry Nemecek. Huber returned in the third episode and has remained ever since.

This is Larry Nemecek:


This is Chuck Huber:


Courage, men! we've not sunk before, and we'll not sink now!


Ohhh...I have only seen the first episode, with Apollo.


In that case, really, watch episodes 4 or 5. Lots of really great McCoy/Kirk scenes in there. This is what I fell in love with. He is also in episode 3 but only shortly. It is a very good one though and may appeal to you better (if you are a guy ;) ) because of the action. It is set in the Mirror Mirror universe.

From all the five episodes, I like the first the least to be honest. But with each other one they grew and got better. Give it a second chance!


Oh, I will. As I said, I love it anyway! But I'm not wanting to rush through it too fast.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


The actors are all over the place, but I agree, it's a tremendous effort all the same. I'm impressed with some of the guest stars they've managed to wrangle!
