Rank 'em again...

With six episodes now in the can it's time once again to rank 'em how you like 'em. Here is how IMDb sees it...

#1: Fairest of Them All (9.0 rating, 163 votes)
This Mirror Mirror sequel is proving to be the hands down fan favorite.

#2: Come Not Between the Dragons (8.8 rating, 51 votes)
In a bit of a surprise, the latest episode comes in at number two. With the fewest votes, will it drop in the rankings as more fans weigh in?

#3: Lolani (8.6 rating, 178 votes)
Perhaps the most controversial episode (in terms of both content and resolution), Lolani rounds out the top three with solid numbers.

#4: Divided We Stand (8.1 rating, 75 votes)
Not surprisingly, the second most recent episode has the second fewest votes cast. Still, this original Civil War yarn drops an entire half point to establish second tier episodes.

#5: The White Iris (8.0 rating, 123 votes)
This multi-episode reference of Kirk's past loves ties Pilgrim of Eternity with an 8.0 but gets the rating edge do to fewer votes cast.

#6: Pilgrim of Eternity (8.0 rating, 217 votes)
The oldest episode has the most votes but the lowest ranking. Should Apollo get more love?

How does your Contrekker list compare?


# Episode User Rating User Votes
1.3 Fairest of Them All 9.0 188
1.6 Come Not Between the Dragons 8.6 91
1.2 Lolani 8.6 207
1.1 Pilgrim of Eternity 8.0 248
1.4 The White Iris 7.9 147
1.5 Divided We Stand 7.8 101
1.7 Embracing the Winds 7.8 51

Ratings for 1.6 and 1.7 should not be considered definitive until they get more votes.
