So...that ending.

The mark on the guy's hand clearly meant he was one of the 'family' but how exactly? How did he appear as a cop and just took the boy away?. Oh and that last scene where pretty much everybody was slaughtered in the hospital was rather farfetched. That being said, i did like the movie.


I'm assuming that it was kind of like a cult thing that the higher ups in the town were involved in since he was a cop. I Iiked the ending but I found it to be predictable and overdone.


The ending was rather stupid and way over the top, they had to be a lot of cultist to pull off so many kills with knifes, without a single one of them made a police call or the hospital push the alert button that alerts the police, The "would not be possible" ending kind'a ruined it for me a little bit, but the movie over all was okey

by the way, she should have killed that little boy when she had the chance...


My assumption is the ending was a nightmare she was having, not actually what happened. Yes it would be too far fetched to think once they got their kid back they'd send in a "army" of family\cult members just to kill everyone in the hospital but her so...
