
Didn’t see that ending coming.


No that was a shocker. Guess Clemance wanted no more Tunnel.


They knew it would be the last series, so they were free to kill important characters. I didn't really get why the killers felt the need to torture the detectives.


I didn't really get why the killers felt the need to torture the detectives.

I hear you, but I think it's because the young fellow, Anton, was a sociopath. It's strongly implied that his mother was mentally ill, so he may have inherited her traits. Her abandonment of Anton and his sister may have pushed his damaged psyche into inimical territory.

He was particularly jealous over Lana and could not tolerate her trusting or becoming close to anyone else. His fear of abandonment had reached a paranoiac level. He had to know where Lana was at all times; when she left the caravan park, he kept tabs on her electronic communications, which is how he discovered Karl's attempt to contact her. From that moment, Karl was in Anton's crosshairs. Karl, with his resources for investigating and possibly locating Saban, was a threat to Lana's dependence on Anton.


I'm still reeling. I was doubly unprepared because I didn't realize that episode #6 was the last one of the series.

Spoilers ...

I was really scratching my head in an earlier episode because I was wondering how in the world B.B. lived. He was shot in the stomach at close range with a rifle, then he was bayoneted (also in the stomach), then he was tossed off a cliff. In the subsequent episode I thought for sure we'd find out that B.B. was a goner and that the writers had taken the bold step of killing one of the team. When B.B. survived his surgery (and came back to work in what seemed like two days later), I became complacent, thinking that the writers weren't going to sadden us with the death of a dedicated detective.

I wonder if that plot element with B.B. was purposefully done so that the audience's guard would be down. With B.B. seemingly indestructible (the guy could give Rasputin a run for his money), one could easily think that such a smart and capable team could outsmart any villain. It made the sudden demise that we got even more unexpected and shocking.
