OK, so who is TT?

Is it Beaumont?


I guess I'll answer my own question. So TT is that guy pretending to woo Karl's wife and pretending to be Adam's g/f returing from South Africa. I knew his bumping into Laura (is that her name) wasn't accidental.


While I've been fairly well entertained by the show and feel the actors have turned in fine performances, the plot's taken a turn near the end that's truly far fetched.


IMO it's simply incredible that the various crimes and murders, except for Danny Hillier's (the tabloid reporter), have turned out to be incidental in a sense, and that TT's main aims seem to have been to avenge the years-earlier death of his wife and son (in a car accident caused by drunk driver Hillier), and also to punish his former colleague Karl for having been romantically involved with his wife! It's as though the bizarre intrigue of the other crimes as well as TT's manifesto were just elaborate red herrings.

Having said all of that, I still like the show!


While the plotting is very intricate, it has become so stretched and over-extended, that indeed it has become too far-fetched. But the suspense build-up is very good!!


Actually you need to take into account his entire career -- which they went into in detail. The whole point of the terrorism didn't have to do with Karl; the only thing that had specifically to do with Karl was the foot-bomb that threatened Laura and the various manipulations (and finally murder) of Adam.

Here's a quote from someone else's post on this board:

He also was trying to get his revenge on the law enforcement community--both French and English--which he felt had betrayed him. So the lead-up to Adam's death was his revenge on the cop establishment.

And putting the two halves of the women's bodies on either side of the French/English dividing line, he managed to bring into play both French AND English cops in order to humiliate both forces by running them ragged on misdirected crimes.

Because the only crime he really wanted to commit was taking Adam's life, which in the end he did.

So that's it--the ends I saw were tied up.

And TT managed to manipulate Karl and Elise right to the very end---by meeting Karl in a contrived location that had maximum CCTC camera coverage, so that if Karl shot him dead in revenge, Karl would lose his career also (final victory for TT, taking Karl's job away the way the Karl had taken HIS job away as a cop).

TT knew if Karl killed him execution style on those CCTV cameras, he'd go to prison.

Almost Game, Set, Match to TT.

What TT didn't account for was that Elise would have influence over Karl and talk him out of executing TT. And that was the final irony---TT did not anticipate the human connection that Karl and Elise would form by forcing the French and English cops to work together---and that personal connection allowed Elise to talk Karl out of killing him.

So TT failed in his suicide by cop mission. He didn't see that one coming!



Excellent explanation angelofvic. I must not have paid close enough attention to TT's background.


I would've shot the muddah-fracker in the balls in front of all the world to see!!



Because the only crime he really wanted to commit was taking Adam's life, which in the end he did.

What about the parliamentary member, prostitute, 14 seniors, school bus driver, 2 people burned to death -- all innocent people killed in his schemes. I guess they were just 'collateral damage.' Seems TT was just evil. His life wasn't ruined by Karl, he was already violent and paranoid according to accounts by his late wife's friend. She was trying to get away from him. Whether he was that way because of being in the secret police or he was always that way we don't know.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


That quote wasn't from me, it's from someone else's post on this board, in another thread.


I see the point about TT wanting revenge on French & British police -- tho Peleton was really secret ops--but I agree with the OP: it all seemed over elaborate and roundabout if his main motive was to hurt those involved in his family's death.
