My thoughts on 3x18 *SPOILERS*
I'm more than a little disturbed. I never would have thought the show would go so far as to execute one of Mary's ladies. I know that these events were happening at a very turbulent and dangerous time in history and we've certainly seen some pretty grim things on the show up until this point. We've seen violence and mature content but it's never been quite to this level, in my opinion. We've never seen one of the main characters executed. This is Reign, not Game of Thrones. Again, I know that executions happened at this time. My point is that's never really been the focus of Reign. It's always been geared to a younger audience and been lighter in tone than GOT or The Tudors. I'm really saddened by what happened to Lola in this episode. Not just because she's gone, but the manner of it. First of all, I think it's ridiculous that Lola would believe that Mary would actually instruct her to kill Elizabeth. Mary would never ask her friend to put her life in danger like that. She should have known something was wrong. Does anyone know why the writers chose to go this route? Did Anna choose to leave the show? Did they just want to get rid of the character? It's going to be really hard to look back on older episodes and know where she ends up. In any case, I wish Anna all the best of luck in the future. I hope to see her again soon in film and television.
Side note: there's hardly anyone left from the original cast! I know Kenna and Greer are still out there somewhere, but it seems unlikely they'll return. And of course with Francis gone and now Bash as well, it's going to be a different show come next season. I guess that means we'll be introduced to new characters in Scotland.
What are your reactions to this episode? I'd love to hear some feedback.