MovieChat Forums > The Terror (2018) Discussion > Any recent developments?

Any recent developments?

Only just came across all the articles a few days ago from back in February about this upcoming series, and I'm VERY excited for it. I read the book a couple of years ago and LOVED it. It got me very interested in it's subject matter and have since read a few non-fiction books about the last Franklin expedition and polar exploration in general.

I know the articles from February seemed to indicate that it was VERY early in the development process, but wondering anyways if there HAS been any word on how the project is coming along. I'm not a big expert on how fast/slow these things can go, but I'm hoping that it can start airing perhaps no later than the fall of '14.

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I have been searching the net for the last couple of days for any fresh information but haven't found any updates yet. I believe AMC NEEDS to do this series since they are losing MAD MAN and BREAKING BAD. WALKING DEAD non withstanding their other series lately haven't been huge sucess... HELL ON WHEELS plagued by creative shake ups and KILLING only rescued because of the NETFLIX deal.

What I don't get is IMDB seems to be listing this as just a TV MOVIE.


Sitting here sweating in the middle of August, looks like fall of '14 is out! Jeez.......


It's ironic that you're sweating it out in the middle of summer considering the Erebus and Terror couldn't escape the ice during the summertime.

The grave is no bar to my call.


Does anybody have any updated information on this project they can share? Digging around online I cant find any significant news since the initial announcements a couple of years ago. Thanks
