Ep 6 (spoilers)

I'm still going to finish this season. But it annoyed me how James, when speaking with Donald, figured out his mother Ellen could be possessed by Assassin (the bad visitor, who had previously possessed Olsen), and he still decides to confront her alone.

Shows like Lost, From, and Teacup, would all benefit from the characters realizing that withholding crucial info from the group avoids many bad decisions & outcomes.


I thought it was incredibly dumb that they kept splitting up when there's a body hopping alien on the loose. So far i'm liking the show more than i thought i would. The trailers were very misleading. I walked in expecting a supernatural horror series.


Yeah I'm wondering if this is a miniseries or if there will be another season. 2 eps/week has been good.


I like the series, but I think there are a couple of things that have really bothered me.

1. The fact that McNab refuses to speak to people is really annoying. He could keep his distance and tell people what is going on rather than writing on a stupid board.

2. After McNab is stabbed, they seem to somehow forget about the super weird rainbow liquid that was determined to be the only way for them to be able to escape the trap. Not only do the teens forget about it, but so does the "good" alien Harbinger. What!? They then go back to it after the teen says there may have been some left, wtf why wouldn't you check before? So they go back and the jar is broken in half sitting upright lol. It was said to be their only way of escape, but they just forget about it. Then of course the wolf drinks it all. The writing in this part is so dumb and lacks so much common sense.


I agree with both your points. I suppose you could argue McNab being stabbed made them forget in the moment but not entirely.


There's no way you forget about the only way to escape a death trap cause a stranger was stabbed. Made no sense and why wouldn't Harbinger remember. It's the entire reason they went out into the woods.


Yeah one wouldn't forget entirely. Especially with Harbinger being right there.
