First Screening

Just came back from the first screening of this movie in Boston as part of a test audience. Review: predictable and formulaic but McCarthy was really funny it with some great lines. It's a classic McCarthy movie, if you liked her last movies, you will like this.


Any surprise cameos in the film or ones not yet listed on the IMDb cast list? Also, how big a part does Kathy Bates have?


No major cameos that I can remember, I guess the only one not really mentioned in the IMDB cast list is Dax Shepard does appear at one point and I didn't see Cedric Yarbrough's name in the cast list either as he was in this and was pretty funny. Kathy Bates actually doesn't have many scenes, I can only think of 2 scenes (maybe 3) off the top of my head; it was a small role for her. This was the first screening, so there could be major changes and cameos that they didn't show though.


That's disappointing to hear. I thought that this would be the one that would be some kind of redemption for her, especially after seeing Spy, which I was thought was just beyond awful.


Redemption for Spy? You mean that film that did well critically and financially, that Spy? Why would she need to redeem herself for that?


Spy was crap. The crickets were WRONG!



Agreed. SPY was smart and funny. It went WAAAAY beyond than what was shown in the trailer. I was impressed with her and Jason Statham in that film.


Why would she need to redeem herself for that?

Because Spy might be the one of the poorest, laziest and incompetent excuse for a comedy I've ever seen.
I walked out of that movie 90 mins in.

You mean that film that did well critically and financially

So were The Hunger Games, Knocked Up, Transformers, Frozen, Bridesmaids, Lucy, Hotel Transylvania, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers:Age of Ultron yet those movies still sucked.


These comments are simply your opinions.

If a comedy elicits laughs and chuckles consistently and keeps my attention, it has done its job.

If an action movie maintains my attention, it has done its job.

I am a movie fanatic - your opinions are your own. But when you exclude 'Bridesmaids' and include 'What we do in the shadows' you may as well come out of the closet and admit your tastes are definitely not mainstream and certainly not to be considered a bellwether for a film's potential success.

Not very original, but 'We accept the love we think we deserve.' Brilliant.


I'm not film snob by any stretch of the imagination and do enjoy a low brow or raunchy comedy but I just feel that the quality of mainstream comedies have hit rock bottom relying strictly on low brow and raunchy humor with zero wit, creativity, cleverness or real effort.
To be honest, by taste varies between mainstream and non mainstream depending on the movie.


I definitely agree with you Josh. I didn't LOVE Spy when it comes to certain things but I did find it pretty funny. The only thing I didn't love about it was they used the F word way too many times..I don't mean that in a prude type way, I think its hilarious when its used the right way but I think they went overboard with it in Spy. But I loved Rose Byrne, she was pretty hilarious.
I think Melissa was the funniest in The Heat though...the way she delivered the lines was absolutely hilarious...I think one of my favorites was this:

"Oh yeah and who's your wife? A 5 pound bag of flour with a hole in it?"

However in some ways I agree with you Cellu, a lot of comedy movies that I've seen lately just don't seem to have strong stories and can be a bit too raunchy which brings me to my point about Spy and the F word. Again I love how some jokes are even more hilarious with the word and during Spy I found some of the jokes were better with the word but it was used just way too many times. I think one of the reasons I loved Rose Byrnes character more in Spy is because she was able to be hilarious while being so evil and she didn't say *beep* as many times in her jokes and she was just as funny if not's some examples

"I've never seen someone dive for stool softener before, that's one thing that happened."

"I'm not texting! I'm playing candy crush if you must know and I've just made level 95"

"Tell me, Are your hemorrhoids particularly large or just tenacious"

"You're funny....its the Bulgarian clown in you"

Melissa's movies are great if you go into them just wanting to laugh and not focusing on the plot too much or the realism of everything. If you go in expecting the movie to be realistic and perfect plot wise then you're going to be very disappointed. When I watch her movies I do so to get a good laugh...and mostly she doesn't disappoint. I think the only movie I wasn't a big fan of was Tammy. I didn't HATE the movie but it wasn't as funny as her other work and she had no chemistry with the guy who played her love interest.

I have a bit of a bad feeling about Ghostbusters based on the trailer....but I'm still going to see it because I've been proven wrong before with trailers. I thought Identity Thief looked completely bland and not funny but the movie itself was pretty funny...but with Ghostbusters we'll have to see...I'm not sure what it is but I just don't have a good feeling. We'll see how it goes though.


Redemption for Spy? You mean that film that did well critically and financially, that Spy? Why would she need to redeem herself for that?

LOL, I'm sure everyone in Hollywood would love for there to be a "redemption" need for a movie that made $235M globally and over 3.5x's it's production budget. Such silly talk from some folks.


A crappy movie is a crappy movie, no matter how much money it make.
Not all of us are mindless sheep programmed to like garbage movies.


celluloidadmirer "i walked out of the movie 90 mins in" referring to the movie spy. so you sat there for 75 percent of this boring garbage not funny stupid crappy movie? no further questions your honor.


I didn't walk out before because I thought to give it a chance to see if it would get better, but it never did.
I wasn't going to see this at all but with all the acclaim it received, I thought to give it a fair shake but got burned for it.

Don't act like you've never walked out of a movie before.


i can honestly say i never have walked out of a movie ever. i have fallen asleep to two movies in a theater, due to lack of sleep not cuz it was boring or that i didnt like it. dreamcatcher and interstellar.


The only movie I came close to falling asleep in was the first Hobbit movie and the only reason I saw that was to check out that HFR 48fps everyone was talking about.


The money doesn't necessarily matter on its own. The money and positive critical responses is usually a good combination on how many people liked the movie. Everyone has different opinions and some are harder on certain films than others. I know there are movies that made money and well liked that I didn't like (Neighbors and 21 Jump Street reboot, for example). It's all up to the individual. I thought there were funny spots ìn The Boss but it's nothing I need to watch again.

You've come to get my ice cream bar!!!!!!!!


The critics hated this movie even more than Tammy, and its failing at the box office
