MovieChat Forums > The Boss (2016) Discussion > The earrings... SPOILERS

The earrings... SPOILERS

Anyone else expecting those diamond earrings to be mentioned again later in the movie? When she said she paid $62000 for them in 2001 and then handed them to her assistant as her 'raise' I just knew they'd come into play somewhere else in the movie. Kind of random.


I came on here to say the same thing. There's a dramatic principle in writing called Checkov's Gun:

"Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there. — Anton Chekhov

They even zoomed in on the earrings, showing them to the audience. Like you, I expected them to pop up later. As in:

"Oh no, we're doomed! We're out of money and we can't save the business!"
"What about these earrings you gave me? They're worth something, right?"
"I forgot all about those! We're saved!"


I came here to find that out too. I wanna know what Claire did with the money assuming she pawned them. Sure her apartment is nice but she couldn't have blown all that money on furniture, nor does she seem like the type to be so careless with money--seeing as how she mentioned she has that damn kid to think about every 5 minutes for the first 30.
