Not airing until 2017

Sucks that we have to wait even longer. But I suppose its for the best if it has good quality. I'm already bummed about it only having 8 episodes instead of 10. Here's hoping that it's early 2017, like January!

TV Shows I've watched: Any suggestions?


Sucks that we have to wait even longer. But I suppose its for the best if it has good quality. I'm already bummed about it only having 8 episodes instead of 10. Here's hoping that it's early 2017, like January!

A 2-hour season premiere AND a 2-hour series finale would go a long way toward easing fans' pain.

But, I suppose,...😞 it's not to be.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


its HBO they could easily have a 90 minute premiere and 90 minute finale


its HBO they could easily have a 90 minute premiere and 90 minute finale

 If only! If only!

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


never happen. it's 8 eps b/c they're not getting the budget for more than that.

Same happened with Boardwalk Empire.


never happen. it's 8 eps b/c they're not getting the budget for more than that.


So, now, the HBO Bean Counters are confiding in YOU!?

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


no, they confide in others who then write about such things.


no, they confide in others who then write about such things.

The Bean Counters haven't confided in you!?

So your Blanket Statement is based on hearsay...OR in this case readsay!?

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


It's show BIZ.

Not show for-whims-of-the-fans-who-cant-appreciate-the-biz-part.

Or show for-those-fans-who-close-their-eyes-to-the-reality-that-their-fav-is-not-popular-enough-for-a-longer-run

with a whopping 700k viewers per ep, you're lucky you got an abbreviated 3rd season at all.

but keep dreaming that they'd tack on an extra hour to the first and last rather than making it 10 eps.

makes sense


It's show BIZ.

Not show for-whims-of-the-fans-who-cant-appreciate-the-biz-part.

Or show for-those-fans-who-close-their-eyes-to-the-reality-that-their-fav-is-not-popular-enough-for-a-longer-run

with a whopping 700k viewers per ep, you're lucky you got an abbreviated 3rd season at all.

but keep dreaming that they'd tack on an extra hour to the first and last rather than making it 10 eps.

makes sense

The reason I don't bother asking you to name your source OR cite whatever you say you read is because I know neither exists.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Seriously? Ah well, at least It'll feel that much more satisfying when the air date finally arrives.

The night beckons, like a finger curling and uncurling as if to say "Hey, come here."
