I'm a few episodes into season 2 and I'm still confused with the whole cave people thing in the opening a scene of the first episode. Without spoiling is it explained at all during the course of the season? Or is it just like "yeah these people think it's heaven on earth but *beep* up *beep* has been happening here since the dawn of time so probably not"? Also, maybe this isn't right but isn't obvious that the girls got sucked into the lake when it drained during the earthquake?
Thanks good peoples
--Intrigued by your title.Could you please put it into some context as it relates to the show and/or to the scene you mentioned?------------------------------
As for whether that scene is explained during the course of the show...that will depend on which poster responds. Some have said yes...some have said no.
I'll admit there seem to be more than enough suggestive material throughout the season that "
can be used" to draw a parallel(?)...BUT, whether it does (and/or what it means) has been debated on this Board since the beginning.
We know that writers don't write in a vacuum, so it is logical to think that it has-to-have-meaning related to whatever comes after. But, as far as I could tell there is NOTHING blatantly obvious (which is pretty much Lindelof’s style).
My interpretation is to connect the Cave-Baby-to-Lily; the Cave-Woman-to-Nora; and everything to the whole in-the-midst-of-even-the-worst-life-goes-on mantra.
--I guess, a long way around to tell you that...I'm not sure.
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