MovieChat Forums > The Leftovers (2014) Discussion > Nora's episode in season 1

Nora's episode in season 1

Did anyone else not like the episode all about her where she went to that conference and someone was pretending to be her? I just found it kinda boring. Seeing her bond with that group of people and get wasted felt pointless to me, other than explaining to us about the life sized dolls of people who departed. We could have been told about that a million other ways that didn't involve Nora getting wasted and spending 20 minutes with a bunch of strangers.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


Just the opposite. I loved that episode. There was such a sense of mystery when Nora discovers that some unseen person has stolen her badge and is pretending to be her.


I personally thought that was one of the better 'bottle' episodes I'd ever seen. Well-crafted and subtle in my opinion.

I am you and what I see is me.


Best episode in season 1 IMO.

I'll pump her full of motley seed, until she pops out a little me! -Shagwell


Best episode in season 1 IMO.

I don't know...'The Garvey's at their Best' was pretty damn great television in season 1. :P

I am you and what I see is me.


That was also one of the better ones. There was just something about the start/end of Nora's episode showing her changed perspective that moved me.

I'll pump her full of motley seed, until she pops out a little me! -Shagwell


I have to disagree too, this is one of the best episodes IMO. There were lots of little details I didn't notice until the second time - such as the distraught man talking to Holy Wayne's follower, who later on passes by and cheerfully says "Hello"! The scene with Nora and Wayne at the end is one of the best of the series.


such as the distraught man talking to Holy Wayne's follower, who later on passes by and cheerfully says "Hello"!
Thank you! I always wondered who that guy who says "Hello!" was.


I haven't finished S1 yet, but so far, that EP is the best for me.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


I thought it was the best episode of the entire season. CC should have gotten an Emmy nod for it.


It was everything I love about this show.

Remember when I promised to kill you last?


Yep - this was also my favourite episode of season one (and top 2 with Assasin from season two). Carrie is just amazing and I think she's one of the best actresses around. Her scene with holy Wayne is some of the best acting I've ever seen.


This was maybe my favourite episode of TV in years; and certainly the episode where I graduated from curious viewer to someone emotionally engaged with the lives of the characters.

The scene where Nora smashes the pablum of the What's Next author was exhilarating, she was like a hero. Then with Holy Wayne, looking to expunge her grief and its tyranny over her but not her memories or her love.

Carrie Coon is quite the actress. Her scenes have a veracity to them that others don't.
